CintaNotes Portable 1.8.1
Take your desktop notes with you always.
If you've entrusted your personal notes to CintaNotes, why not try the portable version of this program? As in the full edition, CintaNotes Portable is a handy lightweight tool for managing your personal notes, with which you can organize numerous notes full of information, whether they are loose ideas, full articles, citations of authors, etc.
In addition, to make your job easier, CintaNotes includes a powerful search engine, so you can access the required information quickly, and the notes will stay in the background, so you can access them with a simple key combination.
Comparing CintaNotes Portable with other applications in the same category, such as with Google Notebook, it can be verified that it doesn't require the performance of a web browser, so you can run it on any computer, with no internet connection and no installation needed.